Field Service Pocket Book (Reprinted With Amendments, ) The British Army's essential reference for officers on active service. This is the edition amended in and reprinted The canvas cover to the card wrappers is in clean condition with . MILITARYBOOKS,publishedbyAuthoritycontinued. (Astopricesinbrackets,seetopofpage2.) www.doorway.rurterly(notissuedinOctober,).Each?. ARMY(10*.LIST.6d.) Monthly. United States Army, Field Service Regulations - , © ,, Military Publishing Company, New York, Hardcover, Pages. War Department, Document No. , Office of the Chief of Staff. The following Field Service Regulations, revised by the General Staff of the Army, are approved and published for the information and government of the Regular Army and the Organized Militia, and in .
This short manual includes the requirement of the British Expeditionary Force as they left for France in , including lists of the equipment each soldier. FIELD SERVICE MANUAL, INFANTRY BATTALION. (EXPEDITIONARY FORCE.) NOTE. Field Service Manuals are not the authority for the supply of war outfit of units. The details, laid down in latest Mobilization Store Tables, Equipment Regulations, Clothing Regulations, c., will be followed. GGA Image ID # d00ff7. World War I manual titled "Field Service Regulations United States Army" First compiled in This edition corrected to Ap. 4 1/4 x 5 1/2" hardcover book. pages. Published by the Government Printing Office in
War Office: Field service manual, Infantry battalion (Expeditionary War Office: Field service pocket book. General staff, War Office. Communications and British Operations on the Western Front, – - June General Staff, War Office, Field Service Manual, Infantry Battalion. WWI ( Printing). United States Army. Field Service Regulations.