· I am a returning player from and was wondering where some good spots to exp are using grounds tome or field manuals. Im at lvl 32 sam/war and have been using the gusgen mines tome and it helped alot following through page 1 and 2 but now the ghouls are checking too weak to be worthwhile so it is time to move on to greener pastures. FFXI Area:Qufim Island What is a Field Manual? Field Manuals are books scattered across areas of Vana'diel that allow players to participate in Fields of Valor training www.doorway.ru: NPC. · FFXI Area:Ru'Aun Gardens What is a Field Manual? Field Manuals are books scattered across the original areas of Vana'diel that allow players to participate in Fields of Valor training regimens.
FFXI Area:Ru'Aun Gardens What is a Field Manual? Field Manuals are books scattered across the original areas of Vana'diel that allow players to participate in Fields of Valor training regimens. 5. 52~ 3 Dromas. 3 Chamber Beetles. "Best Spot - 2 Dromas Map 2 SE G9 + 1 NW G9, zone to map 3, take a right, 3+ Beetles in a row before you drop back to map 2. Drop down the first hole at (H-8). Head SW into the staircase at (G-9). Head down the staircase to the Cermet Door, Summon Trusts and open the door. Begin your slaughter of giants up and down the corridor to the stairs and back. There is a room on the side with more giants if you have a Delkfutt Key.
The field manual is an item that permits you to select and begin "field training" Area of Book, Pg, Tgt. Level, Max Level, Mobs to Fight, XP/Gil, Tabs. The Backpacker's Field Manual the first backpacking field guide designed to take with you into the wilderness. A wealth of resources on trip planning. Forest Survey Field Procedures Manual. No changes from 20field procedures. Refer to Field Guide for most current data.