The /AS is a good solution for existing fiber optic pool installations when the fiber remains in good condition. It easily installs on . RM – Used with all Fiberstars Illuminators the model number off of the outside of your illuminator. Then look at the install manual for re-porting instructions. Note: different models have different instructions for porting. If you have a series Illuminator. · Hi, My manual says Lifetime Illuminator series. Not sure exact model number. Bought about Light not coming on. This is a normal function of the Metal-Halide lamp system that the Fiberstars / AS illuminator uses.-THE UNIT SHUTS OFF AFTER A FEW MINUTES THEN COMES BACK ON Check to see if the air vents are blocked. /5(8).
this manual covers the as illuminator installation only. 2) CUT THE FIBER CONDUITS SO THEY WILL ENTER THE INSTALLATION BASE APPROXIMATELY HALFWAY. AS SERIES v 60Hz ONLY MANUAL CONTROL. COLOR WHEEL ON POWER COLOR WHEEL OFF POWER EXTERNAL AUTO CONTROL. COLOR WHEEL POWER OPTIONAL RM CONTROL COLOR WHEEL POWER. TOGGLE SWITCH POSITIONS EXTERNAL AUTO CONTROL HOOK-UP FOR COLOR WHEEL For WPC, Jandy Aqualink, Compool, etc. Run a V hot wire to the illuminator from a second relay in. The /AS is a good solution for existing fiber optic pool installations when the fiber remains in good condition. It easily installs on existing Fiberstars series illuminator bases.
Manual, V and DMX controllable Mounting Adapter is used for retrofitting the FL illuminator to the Fiberstars partial burial box housing. Buy SR Smith FiberStars TFS Total Fiber System Illuminator Gunite at Manual / Owner's Manual - Compatible with Fiberstars WPC controls. Illuminator Parts / Exploded. value in the growing family of 12VAC products by Fiberstars. Manual override switches on each circuit.